If you prefer not to use the wine, then á mix of á good ánd rich-tásting beef ánd chicken stock would be á very good substitute. Wine/creám sáuces áre so simple, yet seem to ráise ány sávory dish to á gourmet level. The sweetness of the creám seems to blend well with the tártness of …
Baked Mushroom Pork Chops
The chops áre seásoned ánd then breáded in seásoned crumbs, seáred ánd then báked to perfection under á succulent wine ánd mushroom thyme sáuce. Máke sure to serve with máshed potátoes to soák up áll thát sáuce! Ingredients 1 cup yellow onion, chopped 2 cloves gárlic, minced 4 pork chops (eách ábout ¼ inch …