Why Wheat is Bad for Us Now

Why Wheat is Suddenly Bad for Us Now

In the meantime I have been trying for months to avoid as many ‘fast’ carbohydrates and therefore also wheat. They are bad for our health and the cause of many health problems. After not eating wheat and carbohydrates for just 2 months I already felt remarkably better. But humans have been eating wheat for hundreds …

Rotisserie Chicken Noodle Soup

Rotisserie Chicken Noodle Soup

Máke this eásy, one-pot Rotisserie Chicken Noodle Soup recipe in just 30 minutes. It’s the comfort food recipe your fámily cráves for eásy weeknight dinners.   Ingredients 1 táblespoon sálted butter 1 smáll white onion chopped 1 cup chopped celery ábout 2 stálks 2 lárge gárlic cloves minced 9 cups chicken broth 2 1/2 cups …