Nut Paste Versus Peanut Butter
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Nut Paste Versus Peanut Butter

There is probably no peanut butter in your kitchen cupboard either. Peanut butter is integrated into the fixed spreads so that it is almost unthinkable that someone does not like it. If you have never been to a health food store, then you may not be aware that there are many more types of nut pastes that are very tasty but also very healthy.

Think cashew nut paste, almond paste and mixed types of nut paste, which are now gaining popularity. Not least because they are super healthy. These kinds of pasta are all made from pure nuts as opposed to peanut butter, which only consists of peanuts. And peanuts are not covered by the healthy nuts, they are legumes. Another reason why people who follow a Paleo diet do not eat peanut butter, but they do eat nut pastes.

I personally love nut pastes! Delicious in taste, filling and also good for me. The price of a pure nut paste is often higher than that of peanut butter, but it tastes so much purer and healthier that it is worth it to me.
I like to eat it on a spelled cracker or rice cake, preferably with some banana slices, but a snack of pasta on a piece of apple or with a large date is also very tasty.

Nut Paste Versus Peanut Butter
Nut Paste Versus Peanut Butter

Nut paste versus peanut butter

For the peanut butter fans, I have compared the ingredients of peanut butter and almond paste.

Almond paste is slightly healthier than peanut butter because it contains more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Almond paste is, therefore, a precursor if you look at the vitamin and mineral content. It contains almost three times as much vitamin E, twice as much iron and seven times as much calcium as peanut butter. Peanut butter also contains vitamins and minerals including vitamin E, calcium and iron, but it does not contain as much as almond butter. Both peanut butter and almond butter contain a healthy dose of potassium, biotin, magnesium, and zinc.

Peanut butter and nut paste also contain fibers that give you a full feeling faster, allowing you to maintain a healthy weight. It also helps to lower your cholesterol. Fortunately, all nuts contain fiber. When it comes to fiber content, almond paste comes out better when compared to peanut butter. Two tablespoons of almond paste contain approximately 3.3 grams of fiber, while 2 tablespoons of peanut butter only contain 1.6 grams.

Almond paste contains much fewer carbohydrates than peanut butter (nuts = proteins, legumes = carbohydrates)

In addition, it is also super healthy to consume nuts or nut pastes. Research studies have shown time and again that people who regularly include nuts or nut pastes in their diet are less likely to have heart disease or type 2 diabetes than people who do not regularly eat nuts. Research also suggests that regular consumption of nuts does not contribute to obesity, despite the fact that nuts are high in calories.

On a strictly nutritional basis, almond paste is healthier than peanut butter, but only slightly. But if you look at the benefits of eating nuts compared to peanuts, a nut paste is definitely a better choice.

If you prefer the taste of peanut butter, choose an organic version. Many ordinary brands of peanut butter are full of junk! Unfortunately, some brands mix their peanut butter with sugar, fructose corn syrup, salt, and hydrogenated vegetable oils. And beware of the low-fat peanut butter that is often the worst.

Do not forget the nuts pasta not properly read the label and choose one that contains no added sugar, partially hydrogenated oils or trans fats or artificial ingredients. The label must contain only one ingredient: “nuts” or “almonds” (and maybe a pinch of salt).

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